How to defragment hard drive on Windows 11

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How to defragment hard drive on Windows 11

Today I’ll show you how to defragment and optimize your hard drive on Windows 11 (this works for Windows 10 also). Sometimes your hard drive can become slow, throw errors, freeze (BSOD), or crash, all due to a badly fragmented hard drive. The defragment and optimize process aims to fix these types of errors.


I can highly recommend these books to help you learn more about Windows 10/11.

Defragment & optimize hard drive on Windows 11

  1. Open File Explorer and click This PC from the left-side menu
    Open File Explorer
  2. Right-click on the drive which has the Windows logo displayed on it (usually Local Disk C) and click Properties
    Right-click on system drive, then click Properties
  3. Clcik the Tools tab, then click Optimize
    Click the Tools tab, then click Optmize
  4. Select the drive with the Windows logo on it, then click Optimize
    Select system drive, then click Optmize
  5. Windows will begin to defragment and optimize your hard drive which should take between 5 minutes and 1 hour
    Windows will defragment and optimize your hard drive


I hope everything went well and your Windows 11 PC is running better. If not, I have other guides for running Disk Check and resetting Windows too. If you want to contact me, hit me up in the comments or socials/email.

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Categories Hard Drives & SSDs, Windows 11


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